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Thursday, July 24, 2014

Blog Report: Setbacks

Hey there,

So for those who have been following the social media accounts under my name these past few months, you may have been hearing about attempts to put a band together along with the delays to N0_HER0ES and the release of Project Nightmare: Link to Future Past.

Well, we got some updates for you.

-First is the band. Setback is an understatement. It's now all the way back to the start. Lost two members of the band due to time commitments and such in the past week alone. So now this attempt has fallen face-flat and there's nothing I can do at this point in time. It's either try and figure this out or just recognize this ain't happening. Which sucks.

-Second is the mixtape. That has been hit with a few setbacks, specifically not having enough time to record as of late and potentially debating about HOW to release it. There was an idea to split it in 2 parts, but I think the pacing and emotion of it would be a stark contrast in parts. One part is cheery, the other is dark. It sounds like it could work but does it work? I'll be spending the next week or so listening to a variety of tracklists on my iPod to see what fits and if there's a danger of overload.

At this rate, the window for release is between September and December. So really, this is wide open right now. Very wide open. Depends on recording, the tracklist, and the decisions to be made.

-Third is Link to Future Past. For something rushed (just look at the album art), it wasn't half bad. I kinda left it open for a follow up, so who knows, maybe it'll happen.

More updates to come on the social media links. Stay tuned.

-mc larny

Music I Made



GREEN = on-time
RED = delayed



Project Nightmare 36(5) - All Year


the uglyside of beautiful

the beautifulside of ugly

The Imperfect Dialogue

Merch Stand (Buy Something)
